Doofs-Field tripping in Australian bush
Raves and similarities to old rituals
I cannot go under 300 words so other
than quotes and definitions, this time I will try to write briefly and focus
only on my interests.
This time I seek to find some relation
between rituals, psychedelic substances, and the similarities between rituals and
modern raves.
Doof, a definition: An environ (usually
remote) where a diverse spectrum of people gather to celebrate psychedelic
community and culture, as expressed through characteristic psychedelic arts and
music, and where people are free to explore alternate states of consciousness
in a safe, supportive, and stimulating environment. The experience of autonomy
is sought through the symbolic suspension or rejection of state imposed
structures. Participants seek to dissolve conventional limitations on
imagination and thought, momentarily inhabiting artificial islands of
heterogeneity and exploration where novel connections and affiliations are
forged and experimental social forms are incubated.
The collective effervescence experienced at
doofs is not a consequence of a single influence, but arises from the interplay
of a constellation of forces, including the nature, quality of camping,
psychedelic music, exposure to the elements, kaleidoscopic light shows,
religious iconography, spatial decoration, trance-inducing drugs, observance of
the course of the moon, the rising of the sun, and the succession of moments. There
is a sense of an authentic spiritual identity.
As much I understood, main purpose is to generate
a state of trance, similar to many shamanistic rituals, sensory overload is
utilized to create this trance state. “The electronic music played at doofs (usually
repetitive) together with the decorations, costumes, and especially lighting,
function as (positive) stress-inducing ritual stimuli, which contribute to
profound alterations of the autonomic nervous system, especially when combined
with pharmacological agents which trigger sensory flooding” (Lyttle &
Montagne, 1992)
What I observed in these gatherings is that
they end up with not individual experiences but communal ones. People in the
festivals, dance for almost 10 hours in a state of trance, losing their sense
of ego, generating something like a hive mind during these evets. People
usually find themselves uniting with the earth, with their roots and most importantly
with the community. I believe this capability of working as a collective being
is important for humankind, and it states some very important aspects of our
“We need to be close and sweaty and
creating a greater rhythm together, so that it’s virtually impossible for
people to break free from the spiral. I recall parties ending with everyone
holding hands, or every- one holding hands along a beach, this is not forced or
uncomfortable, it’s complete pure and wonderful delight to have made such
connections with strangers.” (K.)
NEXT TIME: During this research I encountered
a term called “Temporary Autonomous Zone” (Hakim Bey), which I felt interest to
and deserves another focused research.
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